- Become root :
$ sudo -i
- Create a folder called "creative"( or whatever folder name you like) in /usr/share/backgrounds
# cd /usr/share/backgrounds
# mkdir creative - In this folder put those wallpapers which you want in slideshow
# cd creative
# ls
mountain-172v.jpg rai22m.jpg sunset-109a.jpg waterfalls-3a.jpg waterscapes-14v.jpg
(source: www.santabanta.com)
4. Now put this xml code into file "background.xml"(or whatever name you like) in the same creative folder.
5. Now open gnome appearances properties
# gnome-appearance-properties
right click on desktop --> change desktop background --> background tab .
6. Click on add button and browse to /usr/share/backgrounds/creative/background.xml --> open.
7. Congratulations the slide show will add to your desktop. :)
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