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Ubuntu How To: Setup Telnet,SSH & FTP service

Open terminal & become root(#) :  sudo -i 

For Telnet :

             1.  Install the package telnetd
                        # apt-get install telnetd

             2.  Now check telnet is running or not

                       # nmap localhost

                 The output must consist ' 23 Telnet ' .By default telnet service runs on 
                 23 port number.
                 If nmap is not installed , install nmap     
                       # apt-get install nmap
             3. For starting or stoping the telnet service

                  # /etc/init.d/openbsd-inetd {start|stop|status}
                  # service openbsd-inetd {start|stop|status}

For Ssh :

           For security reasons telnet service is not very much use. So it is  recommended to use ssh . By default ssh service runs on ubuntu if not then
           1. Install ssh
               # apt-get install ssh

           2.  Check ssh service runs or not

                      # nmap localhost

                The output must consist " 22 SSH" . By deafult ssh runs on 22 port
          3. For starting or stoping the ssh service
               #/etc/init.d/ssh {start|stop|status}
               # service ssh {start|stop|status}

For Ftp :

         1. Install package vsftpd
                # apt-get install vsftpd
        2.  Check ftp service runs or not

                 # nmap localhost

             The output must consist " 21 FTP" . By deafult ftp runs on 21 port

        3. For starting or stoping the ftp service
               #/etc/init.d/vsftpd {start|stop|status}
               # service vsftpd {start|stop|status}


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