Firewall is very important part of the network security, so if you looking for a non - commercial firewall there is an open source SmoothWall is there to increase your home or office security. The installation of SmoothWall is very easy and it is very easy to use also. For installation take any old system (means minimum hardware requirement) who having two NIC cards for configuring the NAT, one NIC for your public network and other one for your private network. The installation of SmoothWall is same like a linux installation, after installation it provides a web interface for further configuration of rules for firewall. You can remotely access this machine by typing its Ip address and port number (which you came to know after installation) in browser address bar. The web interface is very easy so you can easily configured the firewall. If you want to try SmoothWall before installing in any machine you can try its Vmware image of SmoothWall .
Linux,Network Mangement,Network Security,How-to,Tips